Monday 28 March 2022

Nasi Kukus for lunch

Went out to buy nasi kukus for lunch. Tried the one in Rantau Panjang area. It was RM7.00 each. Tasted good. There is also kuih Akok which is so tasty.

Dropped by the cat shop to get the cat litter. I prefer the wood pellet, cause it dissolves in water and I can just dispose it in the toilet bowl. The price is also affordable. Usually I bought one big sack for two litter boxes and lasted for 6 weeks or more. By the way, I have 7 cats and 3 kittens staying with us.

Later I will introduce each one of them in this blog. 

Saturday 26 March 2022

Aku tak Gila


Watched Aku Tak Gila on Astro Citra HD channel 106. It was about Balqis who went missing when she is 12 years old. Her father was a bodyguard working for Tan Sri.

Conflict starts when Tan Sri daughter was kidnapped and the culprit asking for a ransom of RM800,000.00 which Tan Sri declined to entertain resulting to the death of his daughter.

Tan Sri then blame Balqis’s father negligence has caused his daugther missing. Together with his gardener, Rudi they kidnapped Balqis as a revenge. 

Balqis was put on a separate room without Datin Seri knowing and stayed there for 10 years. Is Balqis manage to escape or is there anyone helping her to escape? Find out more at Astro Go. Download from Google play or App Store. 

The Masked Singer Malaysia 2 - Semi Final

Watched Semi-Final, The Masked Singer Malaysia season 2 tonight at Astro Warna channel 107. I'm rooting for Burung Hantu to be exact since 1st week. She delivered Hanyalah Satu by Nora and battle with Rambutan for Kill this Love by BlackPink.

She did a very good job during the battle.

Anyway, Si Merak was eliminated tonight. It was Sherry Ibrahim playing the costum. She sang Cinta Dalam Hati by Ungu and Banging for the battle round with Ratu Semut. 

She has a great tone, sings very well to me. All the best Sherry. 

Next week would be final for this season. Below are my guess on the finalists:-

  1. Rambutan - Shila Amzah
  2. Seladang - Amir Masdi
  3. Orkid - Liza Hanim
  4. Burung Hantu - Hannah Delisha
  5. Ratu Semut - Ara Johari

All the best to all the finalists. =)

Friday 25 March 2022

 I made nasi goreng for breakfast. Kibbles for my cats. Got fish leftover and cook for them in the afternoon. Relax in my room for the entire morning while waiting for my nephew. 

My nephew enjoyed songs so much. I played Didi and Friends songs at my laptop and he tried to sing along. So happy. 

My brother brought home some cekodok pisang. Eat few of it. I got headache at night. Massage my forehead but the pain still there. Need to rest now. 

Wednesday 23 March 2022

I have to take care of my 8 year old nephew for a few days as my mom is not around. He is back after school at 12pm and his father is taking him home at 5:30 pm. He threw a tantrum today as I throw off the snack that he always holding and making sounds out of it by scrunching the plastic.

He had so much energy. He felt asleep after 2pm.

I received a text from an old friend at the University via FB Messenger. She is now replacing me as an LA in the firm. Oh what a small world. I just wish her good luck. She mentioned one name, her clique from the past, but I couldn't recall that fella. I even text my other friend to confirm, but she also cannot remember anything. 😬

Prepared lunch and dinner today. Just cook whatever I want. I re-heat my mom's sambal tempe and add in some anchovies and chillis. 

Have you ever feel that at one point you just feel real exhausted with things that you been looking for. And at that point in time, you just want to throw up every time that thing crosses your mind. It is in your chest but you just couldn't think and it makes you sick. 😣

There was a satay stall nearby my house. But according to my brother, it's been a month they closed. I understand that everyone is affected by Covid19 pandemic and I pray that Allah swt will ease everything ahead for us.

Didn't realize that it is 10pm already. Time passes by real fast.  I went down to see Fatimah and watch football match for Piala FA at Okey channel between PDRM and Perlis United FC. 

Tuesday 22 March 2022

How to add Islamic Calendar into iPhone : 2022

Wordle 276 SLOSH

I admit that my vocabulary is limited. I settled Wordle 276 today after the fifth attempt. The word was SLOSH. 😓

I ordered baby leggings in cream and gray for Fatimah through Shopee which arrived today. We tried it on her, a bit loose as she is only four months old. I think it might suits her well in one month time ie Raya. Must be cute of her to don the legging with romper and her cute hairband.

I'm still waiting for the Hijab mask that I ordered few days ago. One in red and the other in cream. 50 pieces for less than RM10 each. It's a good bargain. I planned to give to my aunt the ones in red as she fancies red. She is going back to Labuan this Saturday and I have not spend enough time with her this time. The mask in cream is for my mom and sister in law. It's convenient to wear Hijab mask as they keep looking for their mask extender. 

My mom baked marble cake and butter cake today and some kuih apam pandan. The tasty aroma lingers around the house today. She will bring the cakes and kuih apam pandan to visit my aunt in PD tomorrow and will be staying there for a few days.

Marble cake

Kuih apam pandan

Marble cake

Butter cake

Marble cake with chocolate filing

Last night I finished watching Light the Night. I didn't realize that it was the last episode with Hana promised Rose to turn herself in after she completed her shift that night. The episode ends with Captain Han entering the Light club. I think there would be Series 4 after this. There is still some questions hanging:-

  1. As to why Captain Han protects Sue brother? 
  2. And what happens after Zhe Wei reaches 20? 
  3. Is there a happy ending between Rose and Captain Han? It seems Rose friend-zoned Captain Han. 

After Isyak prayer, my dad brought Nasi Ayam from Surau nearby. As Ramadan is approaching, Muslims usually provide foods, to the mosque or surau as a form of  thankful to Allah swt for His blessing, and to welcome the holy month.

Monday 21 March 2022

Drama dan Telefilem Raya di Youtube

Puasa dah dekat ni, seronok tengok drama/telefilem Raya kat youtube. Mengimbau kenangan betul. Ada yang kelakar, sedih dan banyak beri pengajaran.

Biasa saya set kan playback speed pada 1:25, supaya cepat habis. Tak laju mana pun, still boleh catch up jalan cerita tu. So takde lah sampai berjam tengok satu drama then boleh continue next drama plak. 😁

Monday Blues

Monday blues ke tu? Today, schools start open 1/2022 session. Traffic must be heavy compared to the pass few weeks. 

And we have two weeks before Ramadhan. How’s your puasa Qadha? Get ready kurma for breaking fast and sahur too. In Syaaban, we are encouraged to do as much good deeds as we can. Sunat prayer, fasting, sadaqah to those in needs as what Rasulullah saw did back then.

I haven’t do Wordle today. Maybe later after lunch. I had nasi lemak for breakfast today and a cup of hot Nescafe just my favorite. 

And for lunch, we will be having ikan Pelumara. Ah, so tasty. You got to marinate the fish first with salt, tumeric powder and tamarind and then boil it. After cool down, you can fry the fish. Eat with hot rice and sambal kicap. Just nice. 

At night we watched Sepahtu Reunion. They invited Sherry Ibrahim as a guest and Azlan The TypeWriter was the cameo. He then performed Jangan Khianati Aku at the end of the show. I got high hope that the band could win AJL35 last year. But then, rezeki are all given by Allah swt. 

Then there was a Jozan show too. They have Hisham Hamid & Hannah Delisha as their guests. Not forgotten, Ruffedge. They have a chit chat and played games too. I think the show was back in 2017-2018. 

Sunday 20 March 2022

Light the Night series and Wordle

So yesterday, my niece Fatimah just got back from HTAR. She was hospitalized for one day and put under monitoring room. She has cough, pleghm causing a whistling sound when she is breathing, like when somebody has athma. The doctor given her medication to treat her cough, hopefully she will getting better real soon. 

And today we had Maggi Asam Laksa for lunch. My mom made Bubur Kacang Hijau. 

My aunt invited us to Malacca last night. But I can’t go as I’m still not well. Still got flu and cough. We plan to go to my aunt’s this Wednesday. We will be having a Doa Selamat for Ramadhan there. 

I continue with Wordle, it’s my third day playing. Kinda addictive, but you got to play once a day. Have 6 chances to guess the word which made in 5 alphabets. Just make a lucky guess, and you can even share the result with others ie Twitter, FB etc. It’s always trending in Twitter. I posted in Tiktok but nobody views mine. I don’t even have followers there and not folowing anyone. Lol. 

You can play Wordle here. 

So I’m watching Light the Night season 3, a Taiwanese drama series in Netflix. Still don’t know who killed Sue and Chiang Han while Tzu Wei has gone staying with his real father and promise to find Rose after he reaches 20. You may watch the Trailer below.

I promise to write tomorrow. Bye- bye for now. Take care. Xoxo. 


Jalan Taiping, Klang lengang menjelang Hari Raya?

Hari ni masuk 12 Ramadan. Dah plan nak pergi beli bahan kuih kat 2 Ply. Beli Compound Chocolate Van Houtten, serbuk badam, serbuk koko, ment...