Tuesday 30 June 2009

A piece of memory of mine..

Ive promised my mom teman g skolah hannah today. Smp kt SK Bukit Kuda ni trigt plak zmn skolah dulu3. Sweet.. Tadika Kemas Kinabutan Kecil, Tawau where ive started my kindergardenhood. Learn how to play musical instrument, but the most part plg I liked is singing. Seronok sgt.. Dpt ramai kawan- kawan, mkn sama, playing sama..
Tp part plg skolah plg xbest, kadang3 xde uncle or atuk lambat dtg amik. (Mom n dad not staying with me when I was small.) Ill be so takut, how nk pulang ni, dats y smp skg msh penakut gk.. Then my friend Zaniah Abdul Sani, yg akn teman pulang, kdg3.. Just imagine, shes not staying near my house, kena jalan jauh dr Tadika, tp dia teman gk. Such a great friend of mine.. Lucu bila igt..SK Batu 4 Jln Apas, Tawau where I studied Thn 1 till 6. I learnt a lot esp from my friends and teachers. One thing i never forget, dulu budak3 laki a little bit kasar. Suke usik pmpn. And im the one of their victim. But ill not duk diam jk bg dorg buli, by the time cikgu msuk klas masa tu ill report everything to cikgu. Kdg3 kesian plak tgk kwn kna marah ngn cikgu.. And biasa la mcm hindustan movie, ada hero yg jdk penyelamat. And my friend pn ada gk yg blagak hero, jdk penyelamat i. And ada plk yg suka blanja org mkn. Owh sgt bestt coz i slalu murah rezki dpt kwn murah ati..
The most thing plg I disliked about boys is that dorg suke tarik pony-tail. Pastu gelakkan org. Sakit la tarik3 rmbut.Isk3.. And my friend Norehan Yaccob akn protect me, ada lgk heroin. Lgpun org takut kt die, kn ank Guru Besar. hek3.. Tp plg best, main sorok beg kawan. Sgt seronok tgk kwn3 gelabah crk beg yg ilang. Aaaa skt perut gelak..

Kt skolah dulu pn ada cikgu yg i takut the most. I know not only me yg takut kt dia, tp hampir semua students takut. Cikgu Maspajati who taught us Math. Time dia nk masuk klas, one of my friend akn tinjau3 kt luar klas. If cikgu dh smp, dia akn jerit 'cikgu datang!!!!' and everyone dh sedia with a book and a pen on the table.

Dia plg suka asked bout sifir. So everyone kena make sure sifir is in our fingertips.. As he entered the class, he will said ' Sifir 4!!! 'Then everyone in the class akn penuh semangat n sepantas yg boleh (tdk dilupakan rasa takut yg amat sgt) tulis sifir 4 until he said stop everyone kna put down the pen. And by the time semak sifir yg plg haru. Anyone yg bt silap, pasti kena. The most thing i remember, dtg dpn and tarik telinga group yg member dia silap bt sifir. And kena trk sekuat nya, xbleh kesian kt kwn, if x, cikgu sndiri akn buat kt kita.. Owh God!! Smp bila3 i xlupa. Such experience kdg3 bt i gelak sndiri.. Yg bgus nya, smua org hafal sifir, apa xnya hampir tiap hari tulis sifir n rasa takut yg xdpt di byg kn..

Ive no idea where are my childhood friends wherebouts. Maybe bz ngn career, marriage.. Yg i still bleh igt lgk is Zaitun, Nurnensi, Zaniah, Hajra, Sudirman, Norehan, Mahmud, Sukarman, Dika, Christina, Masriani..Urmmm where are you guys rite now??

My teachers plak cikgu Mandin, cikgu Amran, cikgu Suzanna, teacher Marinda, cikgu Maspajati, cikgu Shapie, Ustazah Najhah. Thnx a lot teachers..

Dats a piece of memory which i can still clearly remember, not saying dat the rest is forgotten. Memory which grows with me, within me and become part of my life. Family, friends, teachers and all people around us contribute much to our day to day life. As if we start a new journey, meet new ppl and 4 wutever reason it is, the best thing to begin and conclude is learn how to appreciate ppl, thankful to God and live this life happily..


Jalan Taiping, Klang lengang menjelang Hari Raya?

Hari ni masuk 12 Ramadan. Dah plan nak pergi beli bahan kuih kat 2 Ply. Beli Compound Chocolate Van Houtten, serbuk badam, serbuk koko, ment...